Pi-Squared Environmental
CGP QSP/D Training
IGP QISP Day 3 Training
Training available throughout the State
CGP & IGP Training and SWPPP Development - until July 1, 2024.
QISP Day 3 Training - $260
QSP Day 1-2 Training - $350
QSD Day 3 Training - $150
IGP Sampling Training - $150
CGP Sampling Training - $150
IGP SWPPP Development - $1,200
CGP SWPPP Development - $1,200 - $2,000
2022 CGP Review - $80 - $180; see Fliers below or inquire
2022 CGP Inspecting QSD Service, per inspection - $300
2022 CGP Review- see Flier below!
QSP and QSD Training
QISP Training
CGP and IGP SWPPP Development and Training
BMP and SAMPLING Training
2022 CGP Training
Interested in Industrial Stormwater, but don't want to become a QISP, yet?
Ask about Project Henry: $60 for 4 hours; on-line or in person.
Provides PDUs and answers your FAQs.
Ask not what your Planet can do for you; Ask what you can do for your Planet.
Can travel to your location!
For More Information contact Pi-Squared Environmental
(See Footer)
Although this shows poor drain inlet protection. There is deficient upstream erosion and sediment control.
Runoff in concrete swale appears turbid - but < 250 NTU. Contributing area appears to have sufficient erosion and sediment control.
Inspection of post-construction and operational treatment units is required to assess and trigger maintenance of units.
Material supply stores typically have spilled and dumped dry cement in storage and parking lots. Cement presents a future water quality pH exceedance.
Stream riparian and slope stabilization. Included erosion control blanket and revegetation effort.
An innovative combination of drain inlet protection with sediment border barriers and slope bonded fiber matrix application provides a protective measure to prevent to reduce turbid discharges while vegetation is established.
Collecting CGP samples should be beyond gravel bag barrier. May be beyond a filter fabric cover - how?
Sampling point is relocated to a Stormceptor unit as construction progresses and collection system is installed.
Difficult to allow this drain inlet to function until surroundings are stabilized. Inlet is temporarily covered with filter fabric to divert runoff and reduce discharge.
Stockpile may have cover but poorly placed in street butter.
Flooding of Chollas Creek, nearly breaching road.